04.01.2025 New Videoclip Online: «If All Goes Down»
Wir melden uns mit einem eindrucksvollen neuen Videoclip zu ihrer Single «If All Goes Down» zurück! Der Clip kombiniert stimmungsvolle Naturaufnahmen und urbane Vibes mit einem bewusst gewählten Retro- und leichten Grunge-Look, der perfekt mit dem unverkennbaren Sound der Band harmoniert.
Im Mittelpunkt stehen majestätische Wasserfall-Szenen, die die rohe Kraft der Natur einfangen, und stylische Rooftop-Aufnahmen, die den urbanen Puls eines Neuanfangs spürbar machen. Der Retro-Grunge-Look verleiht den Bildern eine zeitlose, leicht rauhe Ästhetik, die den Trip-Hop-Elektronik-meets-Gitarre-Sound der Band visuell aufgreift.
Die Kombination aus atmosphärischem Sound, charismatischen Vocals und der markanten Bildsprache zieht den Zuschauer in einen frischen Sog – genau das Richtige, um mit neuen Impulsen und Inspiration ins Jahr zu starten. Mit diesem Videoclip beweisen Smooth Attack einmal mehr, dass sie nicht nur musikalisch, sondern auch visuell auf künstlerisch hochwertigem Niveau spielen.
Jetzt reinschauen, zurücklehnen und mitreißen lassen – der Clip ist ab sofort online hier auf YouTube! Regie: Christoph Soltmannowski
We are back with an impressive new video clip for their single «If All Goes Down». The clip combines atmospheric nature shots and urban vibes with a deliberately retro and slightly grunge look that harmonises perfectly with the band's unmistakable sound.
The focus is on majestic waterfall scenes that capture the raw power of nature and stylish rooftop shots that make the urban pulse of a new beginning palpable. The retro grunge look gives the images a timeless, slightly raw aesthetic that visually echoes the band's trip-hop-electronics-meets-guitar sound.
The combination of atmospheric sound, charismatic vocals and striking imagery draws the viewer into a fresh maelstrom - just the right thing to start the year with new impulses and inspiration. With this video clip, Smooth Attack prove once again that they not only play at a high artistic level musically, but also visually.
Watch it now, lean back and let yourself be carried away - the clip is now online here on YouTube! Director: Christoph Soltmannowski
28.09.2024 Radio RaBe (Full Show) – Interview & Live Set!
Wir waren im Radiostudio von RaBe im schönen Bern zu Gast. Sowohl für ein spannendes Interview mit den Machern von «La Mañana» und ausserdem spielten wir noch ein zwei Songs als Konzert. Vielen Dank an die Moderatoren Mista Sanchez & Speedee Beuret. Das ganze Equipment transportierten wir «mobile-tauglich» mit dem Zug von Winterthur her. Die ganze Show kannst du hier anhören. Viel Spass – Sarignia (Vocals), Martin (Keys/Programming) & Raphael (Guitars).
We were guests at the RaBe radio studio in beautiful Bern. Both for an exciting interview with the makers of «La Mañana» and we also played two tracks live. Many thanks to the moderators Mista Sanchez & Speedee Beuret. We transported all the equipment by train from Winterthur. You can listen to the whole show here. Have fun – Sarignia (Vocals), Martin (Keys/Programming) & Raphael (Guitars).

19.04.2024 Happy Release Day: «Mosaic» EP available now everywhere!
Finally there is new music from Smooth Attack! Four irresistibly fresh songs between electronica, pop and indie, peppered with trip-hop beats, deep bass lines, shimmering synths full of atmosphere, captivating vocals and creative guitar solos. Listen now, share and spread the love of music!
Mastered by Jean van Eisentanz at ng-studios.
Smooth Attack live: 24.05.2024 - Fullmoon Sessions, Laax GR
All important shops/streaming right here!

13.03.2024 New gig confirmed: 24.05.2024 – Fullmoon Sessions / Laax GR
It is with great anticipation that we can announce that we will be returning to the concert stage this year. A 1st gig is now confirmed: We will be playing at the Fullmoon Sessions Festival in Laax GR on May 24th. More information will follow later. We are looking forward to seeing you – Sarignia, Martin & Raphael.

05.01.2024 Happy New Music Year!
Great news: We are busy working on a new set in our rehearsal room and would like to be back live on stage this year. Keep up to date and follow us on the Smooth Attack Facebook and Instagram page.
16.05.2023 Livesession 2023 / New Song - Together We Stand (Snippet)
We are working on some new songs and we want to share this energy with you. Now you get a fresh insight into one of our current live sessions, where we rehearse the brand new track "Together We Stand". Check the video of the live recording here. More to follow in the near future for sure.

30.12.2022 Music News! Our «Wicked Game» is here!
There are many cover versions of Chris Isaak's timeless classic Wicked Game, but none sound quite like Smooth Attack's, with its deep electronic synthesiser sounds, beats and playful details, anthemic female vocals and sophisticated guitar lines. Excklusive extended version. Listen and buy here. Smooth Attack is back for 2023 and looking forward to more infectious tracks in the new year.
Sarignia Bonfà: Vocals | Martin Akeret: Keys, Sounds, Beats, Production | Raphael Stricker: Guitars |

25.03.2022 New Release: Out of Everything
A refreshing mix of electro, jackhouse and indie pop. Smooth Attack returns with a melancholic yet powerful song! Deep bass lines, guitar riffs, organ melodies and all kinds of electronic sounds are put together as one. And above it all, the unique voice of the lead singer. We are back in the new year. Check it out on
Bandcamp |
Written by Martin Akeret, Sarignia Bonfà and Raphael Stricker. Produced and mixed by Martin Akeret | Copyright 2022. Lyrics written by Martin Akeret and Sarignia Bonfà.

06.09.2021 First live session after a longer baby break. We are still here!
First live session after a longer baby break period: We had never even rehearsed our newly written song live before, let alone recorded it. Spontaneous Smooth Attack Recording on September 3rd of «Out of Everything» with Vocals, Live Beats, Electronic, Acid & Keys. Check it out right here!

23.06.2020 Winner at the Music Video Festival in Utah/USA
Our video clip «Desire, Fantasy & Art» (Director: Dominik Fehr) has caused a sensation at the Music Video Festival in Utah/USA (see award in front of the picture). The clip won the prize in the category «Budget under $1000».

01.05.2020 «Bandcamp Day»!
The Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact all of us, and artists have been hit especially hard as tours and shows are canceled for the foreseeable future. With such a major revenue stream drying up almost entirely, finding ways to continue supporting artists in the coming months is an urgent priority for anyone who cares about music and the artists who create it.
On March 20, 2020, we waived our revenue share in order to help artists and labels impacted by the pandemic. The Bandcamp community showed up in a massive way, spending $4.3 million on music and merch – 15x the amount of a normal Friday helping artists cover rents, mortgages, groceries, medications, and so much more. It was truly inspiring.
But the pandemic and its impact on the music community aren’t over, so on May 1, June 5, and July 3 (the first Friday of each month), we’re waiving our revenue share for all sales on Bandcamp, from midnight to midnight PDT on each day.
Support your local hero, support SMOOTH ATTACK.

31.03.2020 Live at Stars@Home – Ticketcorner
«Wir denken nicht in Genres, sondern lassen ein grosses Feld zwischen Electronica und Rock, Indie-Pop und Techno offen.» Eine riesige Spielwiese, die sich das Duo Smooth Attack brilliant zunutze macht. (Ticketcorner)
Zur Zeit sind ja keine Auftritte in Clubs oder Bars möglich, so dass wir die Chance genutzt haben, für die Serie Stars@Home von live im Wohnzimmer aufzutreten. Der «Electric Livingroom» ist die Rettung aus der Konzert-Quarantäne. An dieser Stelle ein grosses Dankeschön an Ticketcorner, an Christoph Soltmannowski und Sebastian Clauss für die Realisation. Den neuen Song gibt's hier!

18.03.2020 New Song available: Don't Judge Me For My Fantasy
In a world full of disastrous news, music is one of the last places of refuge. This year we are working again on fresh songs that capture the heart and we send you our warmest greetings from the studio! If you love our new track – comment, share and support us. Thank you and stay saved!

26.10.2019 Live Sessions im Bunker!
Das Herzstück jeder Band sind die fleissigen Proben. Auch wenn nämlich grade keine Konzerte anstehen – an neuen Idee und Tracks wird immer mal gefeilt. Wie das aussieht, wenn Leadsängerin Sarignia im «Bunker» ankommt und die Räume unter Tageslicht betritt, seht ihr auf der Smooth Attack Instagram-Site, wo wir regelmässig Updates veröffentlichen. Follow us!
23.08.2019 Dance Anywhere – Popshop Remix out now!
As a fresh companion for the extended summer we recommend the Popshop Remix of «Dance Anywhere»! Dreamlike beautiful and deep melancholy, mixed with modern electro drums in downbeat style. Stream or buy this one at Spotify / Beatport / iTunes / Juno and in many other shops. Produced by Martin Akeret aka Popshop.

16.06.2019 Semi Finalist at NYCA!
Big news, ladies and gentlemen. Our Video clip «Desire, Fantasy & Art» was picked up as Semi-Finalist at the New York Cinematography Awards.

08.02.2019 Internal Fire (Popshop Remix)
Popshop meets Smooth Attack: We are not sure if you have already listen to this fancy remix which we produced some time ago. This song was originally released on the debut album «Music For The Lonely Island.» Producer: Martin Akeret (Popshop) | Singer: Sarignia Bonfà. Enjoy!
05.01.2019 This Is The Night (Anthony Nicholson Remix, USA)
Did you know that American producer Anthony Nicholson did a remix for Smooth Attack? This great music was just released on 12" vinyl on the Madrid based label Deep Explorer. Watch the video teaser here!

Finally, it's done! Our brand new EP «Foursome» is available in your favourite digital store now (Spotify, Apple Music and in many other shops). This Summer we recorded all the beautiful tracks at the well-known Hardstudios, Winterthur – produced by Andreas Hunziker. You can buy these fresh sounds also in superb quality on Bandcamp! Thank you for your appreciated support.

23.08.2018 Cinemuskoka Offiial Selection
We are really proud to announce that our music video work «Desire, Fantasy & Art» was selected for the Canadian film festival Cinemuskoka from August 31 to September 2nd 2018!

02.07.2018 Dankeschön, Albanibühne!
Wir möchten uns beim Publikum und der Presse bedanken für die schönen Reaktionen zum Konzert auf der Albanibühne am Albanifest 2018! Speziell erwähnt sei das Feature im Blick am Abend und der freundliche Support im RonOrp-Newsletter. Auf SoundCloud gibt es das ganze Live-Konzert zum Nachhören! Und reichlich famose Fotos zum Konzert seht ihr in der Gallery.
PS. Ab sofort liefern wir die News in Deutsch oder Englisch, je nach Ereignis!

19.05.2018 Smooth Attack | Live at Albanifest 2018
We are quite proud to present our live show at the well-known Albanifest 2018 in our hometown Winterthur on June, 30th. Watch the fancy trailer right here!

08.04.2018 More live shows!
If you live near Zurich-Winterthur-St.Gallen there is no excuse not to come to your next shows. Don't miss these opportunities! In the meantime have a look at our gallery update.
12.05. | Schwarzer Engel, St. Gallen
30.06. | Albanifest, Winterthur
07.07. | Daydance (OA), Feldbach ZH*
(*will be postboned to July 14th if it is raining)
21.03.2018 New EP «Reconnect» in stores now!
Listen to our new 2-Track-EP «Reconnect» which contains our fancy videoclip song «Desire, Fantasy & Art» and a complete new track called «Reality TV». You can support us if you buy this fresh record in your favourite digital store, for example at Apple Music | Beatport | Juno. And last but not least: Come to our live shows, too!

02.03.2018 Selected for the SRF-Playlist!
Fantastic news: Our new video work «Desire, Fantasy & Art» has been selected for the latest SRF-Roboclip-Playlist and this means that you can watch it on TV – starting today!
20.02.2018 New song: Reality TV!
Dear fans and supporters! Our latest single track is available on SoundCloud. Dark, deep and nevertheless powerful with profound lyrics - this is Reality TV. Check it out as part of the new RECONNECT EP and share the music with all the people you know.
20.01.2018 Big videoclip finished and ready to watch!
There are six months between the first ideas and the finished movie: Watch our new big video work and single release «Desire, Fantasy & Art» and share the news with all the people. You'll see the unusual daydream story of a night watchman and maybe – a unicorn and other strange characters! The song is exclusively available on Bandcamp. Check it out here!

15.12.2017 New videoclip trailer «Desire, Fantasy & Art»
Exciting news: In January 2018, Smooth Attack will release their brand new video work «Desire, Fantasy & Art», directed by Dominik Fehr (DOGE Pictures). The trailer is ready to watch – right here!

17.11.2017 New shows played and live video and photos uploaded
This autumn we played some new shows in beautiful locations and there are fresh live videos and photos available – check it out here.
01.09.2017 New guitars, new songs, new live shows
Exciting news: We’ve played our very new live set up at Killbi in Hombrechtikon and we are happy to hear all the positive feedback we have received. Next gig stop: 09.09.17 at 42er Pub Opening in Laufen BL.

27.07.2017 New guitarist and band member: Welcome, Raphael
Welcome on board: We are currently working on exciting guitar tracks for our upcoming live shows and new song productions. This is of course a real extension for the electronic sound of Smooth Attack. Raphael is our new band member since June 2017 and we are looking forward to our future plans. More about him soon on this page.
19.02.2017 Smooth Attack: The story continues!
Good news, everybody! After an artistic break, Martin and Sarignia decided to write new songs and lyrics. Stay tuned for more of the action this year. Have a look at the latest live recording video here. And please follow us also on Facebook!
13.10.2015 Hello Fans!
You didn't hear from us since quite a long time. We apologize for that! In the same time we'd like to let you know that we have some personal changes within the band this year. You will hear the latest news whenever we know more. Now it's time to look back at our succesful stories in 2014. Our praised album is still available in many shops worldwide. Take care and keep in touch.
25.06.2015 Smooth Attack on BalconyTV!
BalconyTV – a worldwide phenomenon! Artists like Mumford & Sons, Jessie J, The Script, Passenger or Ed Sheeran also played at BalconyTV. Now, we are part of the show as well. Watch the performance of our unreleased song «Day Off». The Zurich Channel is on air now – thanks to Christoph Soltmannowski, Tanya König and Moritz Schmid!

01.01.2015 We Make It – We are online!
You know we have had an amazing year when we released our very first album in 2014. We became «CH-Act of the Week» on SRF Virus and we qualified for the semi-final at the MyCokeMusic Soundcheck Talent Contest. We want to continue our beautiful story but we need your support – we would like to shoot a new videoclip and we will record an ep of four new songs. When you take part you are automatically a part of our project. Each of you will get a reward when you support our campaign. Thank you very much!

29.04.2015 We Make It - With You!
Hello friends and family members, we'd like to let you know that the Smooth Attack crowdfunding campaign «Videoclip + EP» starts on 1st of May! Please watch our project video. :) More informations about that on in the next days. Thank you very much for your appreciated support.

14.04.2015 Smooth Attack at Studio Lab, Hardstudios Winterthur
Smooth Attack got a slot at the Studio Lab Event which takes place in the famous Hardstudios in Winterthur the next weekend, 19th of April. We get the chance to record our unreleased epic song «Vampires» and we are looking forward to spend a few amazing hours in a very professional studio atmosphere. Before that we will play two live shows on the same evening at a Private Party in Thalwil next Friday, 17th of April. Hard working days! ;)
17.02.2015 Another beautiful article and concert preview at Coucou Magazine!
«Es war ein Schulterbruch, der Smooth Attack (CH) letzten November davon abgehalten hat, die Bühne des Widders mit Drums und Gitarren zu stürmen. Ein Glück, ist die Verletzung verheilt und hat sie dem musikalischen Genie Martin Akeret nicht nachhaltig geschadet. (...)»

13.01.2015 Gurtenfestival 2015 – «Waldbühne» Voting!
Ladies and gentlemen, of course you know the famous Gurtenfestival near Berne, Switzerland. With your appreciated help we got the unique chance to play there, but we need every single VOTE. Just click here and vote once – that's it!

11.12.2014 First live shows in 2015 confirmed
After mARTin's accident in November (shoulder rupture) we were forced to switch our concert at Widder, Winterthur but we have already found a new date – 21th of February! Before that show we will play at Langstars in the heart of Zurich on Friday 23th of January. Join us!

28.10.2014 Live Gigs and New Songs
There are some catchy live review snippets from our latest shows at Bar Rossi and Henrici (Zürich) and in the meantime we have already started writing new songs after our debut album release period. You can already listen to the first unreleased track «Desire, Fantasy and Art» on soundcloud. By the way: Our official videoclip «The Life Before» gets so many clicks!

03.09.2014 More live shows in Autumn 2014
We are very pleased to announce further concerts! We will play at Bar Rossi the 20th of September and also on Christoph Soltmannowski's big Birthday Party at Perron 9, Zurich the 3rd of October. And last but not least we got another two confirmed live shows at Henrici, Zurich (21.10.) and Widder (Winterthur) in November. Have a look here!

20.08.2014 «The Final Countdown» – Interview and presentation on JOIZ (TV)
It was the «final countdown» of the Mycokemusic Soundcheck Talent Contest 2014: All 12 selected bands were invited to be part of the show on JOIZ. There was also an interview with Smooth Attack and although we have not made it to the big final of the last three acts, the whole voting period was a very positive experience for us: a lot of press articles, radio interviews, features in the television. Download here.

14.08.2014 Support us – vote for us – each day!
We have the unique chance to reach one of the three final slots at the big mycokemusic Soundcheck Talent Contest 2014. The following link will be online between 15th of July until 19th of August. Each user got one vote per day – don't miss to support us!
Vote here
Mycokemusic Official Videoclip

05.08.2014 CH-Act of the week on radio SRF Virus!
We were invited to have an interview with Dominique Marcel Iten on Radio SRF Virus. Feel free to download the complete podcast file (mp3) here (German).

19.06.2014 MyCokeMusic Soundcheck 2014: Selection (Top 12)
Breaking News: We have reached the semi-final at the big MyCokeMusic Soundcheck Talent Contest. (Top 12, Jury Selection - out of 179 registered bands). We are invited to a professional photo- and videoshooting in Zurich on 29th of June. More informations very soon.
MyCokeMusic Soundcheck 2014
26.05.2014 Big Feature in the event magazine (Ticketcorner Mag, Switzerland)
This is an outstanding feature in the official event Magazine and we are grateful and honored! It's a presentation of the latest newcomers around and we are on the top of this list. Language: German. Number of copies: 200'000. Thank you – Soltmannowski Kommunikation GmbH.
Download of the big picture

12.05.2014 Debut album "Music For The Lonely Island" out 23 May 2014
After a working period of 16 months it's available now: Our debut album "Music For The Lonely Island". The work contains twelve own songs and a remix by masseDefekt, a friend living in Leipzig, Germany. Our "baby" will be released on the German Label Timezone and it will be distributed worldwide as physical release (cd digipac) and also as digital download (iTunes, Beatport, a.m.o.). The album is diversified – from modern electro synth pop to indie electronic guitar rock. You can hear sweeping sound arrangements, individually beats and profound lyrics and vocals.
Buy at (digipac)
Buy at amazon (digipac)
Timezone (record label)

05.05.2014 Album Release Tour – Live shows confirmed
It's time to show our debut album "Music For The Lonely Island" live on stage. We will play a few gigs in June and July 2014. These dates are confirmed and we hope to see you there:
21.06.14 – Lausanne, Fête de la Musique
03.07.14 – Zurich, La Catrina (Record Release Party)
06.07.14 – Bern, Ono
All forthcoming gigs